Community Service Concerning Community Service Delivery and Processing of MP-ASI ”in Rumbio Village
The Lecturers:
- Dewi Anggriani Harahap, M.Keb
- Fitri Apriyanti, M.Keb
- Dhini Anggraini Dhilon, M.Keb
- Duma Sari Lubis, M.Keb
- Syukrianti Syahda, SST, M.Keb
- Nislawaty, SST, M.Kes
- Fitria Meiriza Syahasti, M.Kes
- Zurrahmi, STr.Keb, M.Si
- Ria Irena, M.Kes
- Rizki Rahmawati, M.Kes
- Sri Widya Astuti Khati, STr.Keb, M.KM