Head of Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) Study Program and Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Follow BIMTEK Ristekdikti 2018
Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) is very strong in improving the quality of its academic resources and services. This was indicated by the sending of 16 department heads to take part in the Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) held on Thursday (09/20) 2018.
Located in the Awal Bros STIKes Hall which is a High School built by Awal Bros Hospital in Pekanbaru. Followed by universities in the Riau region, including the STIKES Awal Bros. to host the event, then STIKes Persada Bunda, Pelalawan College of Technology (ST2P), and others.
BIMTEK activities will be held for 2 days, starting from Thursday 20 September to 21 September 2018.
On this occasion, Fadhilaturrahmi, MPd. presented the Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which was then given comments, criticisms and suggestions from the Speakers from Ristekdikti.
With this BIMTEK activity, it is expected to improve the performance of the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) at the Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP).