Head of PG PAUD UP S1 Study Program Returns to Become National Speaker
Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, UP – Editorial in Chef PAUD Teacher Education Scientific Journal, Obsession Journal, namely Moh Fauziddin, M.Pd., from Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) again became a guest speaker in an online Journal management workshop, Wednesday (09/25) 2019, at the Menara Paninsula Hotel, Jakarta.
“I gave material about the journal Early Childhood Education at Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai to provide workshop material with the theme of Management of Electronic Scientific Journal Management. Management of journals according to standards is one of the assessments on the accreditation of the National Electronic Scientific Journal “said Moh. Fauziddin, M.Pd., to UP Public Relations Team.
He also said that the participants in this activity were journal managers, especially community service journals throughout Indonesia, including those from Mataram, Medan, East Java, Riau and other regions, and of course from various universities.
In the workshop, Moh. Fauziddin mentioned that the Jakarta Sahid University also collaborated with him in filling the workshop activities by being a Host at the event. under the command of Prof. Giyatmi, Head of LPPM Sahid University.
Finally, the Manager of the Best Kopertis PG PAUD Journal in Region X mentioned that the online journal workshop which was participated in was organized by the Association of Journal of Devotion to the Indonesian Community and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia.