Inauguration of Hima Management of S1 PGSD Study Program of Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) Reaching Positive Impressions and Messages, UP – The Management of the Student Association (Hima) of S1 Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) received positive impressions and messages from the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education Student Affairs (FIP) to the Hima Trustees of PGSD PahlawanTuanku Tambusai University (UP), at , Saturday (09/29) 2018.
Mufarizuddin, M.Pd., as a Lecturer and Supervisor of Hima PGSD expects that each Division of the Hima PGSD management in 2018/2019 will be able to make and complete a work program that further advances the PGSD UP S1 Study Program.
“In addition to my appreciation, I gave input to the Hima management to form a good system in this organization, for example by giving a Decree (SK) as a form of legality in carrying out the duties and functions in Hima PGSD” said Iis Aprinawati M. Pd., When giving a speech during the inauguration event.
Bro. PGSD Study Program Rizki Nanda M.Pd. also mentioned that the students of the PGSD Hima board were selected students who had the duty to improve the existence of the PGSD Study Program.
“Congratulations to Sri Rahmadini and Sofnila Ariani and all levels of the division who will carry out the task for the next year, hopefully Amanah in carrying out its duties and functions,” said Eef Syaifullah as the person in charge of the BEM Faculty of FIP UP.
This inauguration event also invited UP Deputy Dean of Education Iis Aprinawati M.Pd., Ka. PGSD Study Program Rizki Nanda M.Pd., Pembina Hima PGSD Mufarizuddin M.Pd.
The elected Hima administrators were Fuji Silvi as Secretary, Nova Ambriani Bendahara, Khairul Hajat Chair of the community service division, Muhlas Aldi Putra head of the religious division, Renna Ramadhani Chairperson of the talent interest division, Suci Ramadhani Chairperson of the infomom division, Robi Andika Chair of the scientific division, Handika division head entrepreneur, Putri Azura, head of the regeneration division, and Suhada, head of the aspiration division.