Lecturer at the Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) Achieved the Best Management of Kopertis Level PA PAUD Journal in Region X
Universitaspahlwan.ac.id, UP – In the event of the awarding of the E-Journal accreditation period 1 year 2018, the lecturer from the Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) won the Management Achievement of the Best Top Manage PG PAUD Journal in Region X, on Thursday (11/10 ) 2018.
“I am pleased to receive this certificate, but I am not satisfied with the results. I will be determined to move up to the second rank. Thank you to OBSESIAN (the name for obsession journal writers) for contributing to the contributions that have been given to the reviewers for the contributions given to Obsession journal” said Moh. Fauziddin when giving information about the activity.
He also mentioned that the PG PAUD Journal that was managed was one of several journals that received PG-PAUD National Accreditation in Indonesia and became a pride for the PG-Paud Study Program at the University of Heroes of Tuanku Tambusai.
The Certificate of Award as Manager of the best PG PAUD Journal in the Kopertis X area obtained by Fauziddin was immediately handed over by the Head of the Subdirectorate of Scientific Journal Facilitation Dr. Lukman ST. M.Hum
Located in the 5th Floor Senate Rapar Room of the Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Suska Panam, this event was attended by 66 Universities and Colleges in Riau Province, one of which was the Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University and represented by Moh. Fauziddin M.Pd and DR. Masrul SS., M., Pd.