Lecturer S1 Nutrition of Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) Get Patent Flour “Catfish Bone”
Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, UP – S1 Lecturer Nutrition of Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) Nur Afrianis M.Si Making Patin fish bone meal formulated for toddlers stunting. On this basis he obtained Patent Rights from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).
Number 000114213 becomes copyright registration number. This copyright registration letter obtained by the University of Heroes (UP) S1 Nutrition Lecturer received full protection from Law No. 28 Article 72 of 2014 concerning copyright.
Quoted from a journal he uploaded on Indonesian Public Health Media (MKMI), short child problems (stunting) is one of the nutritional problems in Indonesia. The direct cause of stunting is an infectious disease and inadequate food intake such as lack of protein and calcium.
“Catfish bones are high in protein, calcium and phosphorus needed for toddler bone growth. One way to use catfish bones is to be processed into flour and used as vermicelli products for stunting toddlers,” Nur Aprianis said when giving information.
He also said that the purpose of this study was to determine the best formula and characteristics of high protein and calcium vermicelli by adding catfish flour (Pangasius hypopthalmus) to stunting toddlers.
Patent Rights This started with a research chaired by Nur Afriani MSi about wheat flour from catfish bones and consisted of lecturers from Nutrition S1 namely Vera Wati Besti S.Gz., M.Sc., and Lecturer of Nursing S1 Ns. M. Nurman M.Kep.