National Nutrition Competency Test, The Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Asked to Host
Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, Up – Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) was chosen to host the national level Competency (Ukom) in 2019 organized by the Association of Indonesian Nutrition Higher Education Institutions (AIPGI) and the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (PERSAGI), Saturday (09/28) 2019, in the Hall of the New Building UP.
According to Besti Verawati, S.Gz., M.Sc., Universitas Pahlawan was chosen as the venue for National Nutrition Ukom according to the Association of Indonesian Nutrition Higher Education Institutions (AIPGI) and the Indonesian Nutrition Experts Association (PERSAGI) of Universitas Pahlawan fulfilling the requirements as a Competency Test Place (TUK).
“This activity is very important to be followed by alumni or graduates of Nutrition S1, although its nature is not mandatory, but the Ukom activity is one of the requirements to get Serkom (Competency Certificate) which will be used for making STR Registration Certificate for Nutritionists” said Secretary of the Study Program (Study Program ) S1 Nutrition UP.
According to him Serkom is one of the certificates used as a description of the competence of graduates to the extent that graduates master the field of nutrition both from the field of clinical nutrition, nutrition Management Managing Food Administration (MSPM) both in a hospital, catering and other food management, and community nutrition.
Asked the UP Public Relations team, UP Nutrition Lecturer who was chosen to be the central committee said that with the implementation of Ukom, the Bachelor of Nutrition degree received a certificate of companion certificate that could be used to prove that they were competent in the field of nutrition.