PGSD Undergraduate Program, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) Conducts Yudisium, UP – Study Program (Study Program) S1 Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) Holds Sixth Batch Yudisium, Saturday (02/11) 2019, in the Kampar Regent Office Hall.
“All participants numbered 94 students, in terms of number of us graduating students quite a lot this year. We not only emphasize quantity, but we are obliged to provide quality. After you graduate, keep your alma mater’s good name and show that the PGSD Alumni have better grades and soft skills, of course, “said Rizki Nanda M.Pd As the head of the PGSD UP S1 study program.
He gave a message to students who carried out the graduation, that the graduation was the beginning to implement the knowledge that had been obtained at Pahlawan University. The Chairperson of the PGSD S1 Study Program also expressed his congratulations to all students who carried out the Yudisium.
Moh. Fauziddin, M.Pd., as chairman of the Research Institute (LP) who represented the Vice Chancellor for Non Academic Affairs said in his opening remarks that the graduation students were the face of Universitas Pahlawan. From the graduates produced, the public will be able to see the advantages through alumni.
Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) congratulates and succeeds the achievements, the graduation, and the degree obtained. Hopefully the title in clothing is not only a title behind the name, but it can make the almamater and professionals in their field.
The graduation was attended by S1 PGSD UP lecturers and FIP UP Study Program lecturers including Sumianto, M.Pd., Mufarizudin, M.Pd., Iis Aprinawati M.Pd., Dr. Ramdan Witarsa, M.Pd., Fadilaturrahmi, M.Pd, Yeni Fitra Surya, M.Pd., Yanti Yandri, M.Pd., Nurhaswinda, M.Pd., Rusdial Marta, M.Pd., Rizki Amelia, M .Pd., And Amelia Sari, M.Pd.