Study at Pahlawan University Animal Husbandry Can Study Double Degree Abroad Plus Full Scholarships
Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, UP – Chancellor of Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai has again succeeded in developing international cooperation. It was proven that the signing of the MoU was held between Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) and Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland, (01/11) 2019.
“At present we have signed an MoU with dozens of universities that have become partners in cooperation. Universitas Pahlawan already has international scale cooperation relationships, such as collaboration with universities in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, and Malaysia, “said the Rector of the Universitas Pahlawan, Prof. Dr. Amir Lutfi.
Chair of UP International Relations Office (IRO), Ns. Nila Kusumawati, MPH., Said that this collaboration will be realized in the form of double degree fast track farms. He mentioned that the scholarship fund obtained included Polish language tutoring for 6 months, free tuition for 2 years and living allowances for 2.5 years which included the cost of accommodation, meals and health insurance with a total of Rp. 6. Million per month.
He expressed a number of opinions from Indonesian students in Poland that the financial needs of students while in Poland, the scholarship offered by getting a grant of 6 million per month was more than enough.