The Faculty of Education Lecturer Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Committed to Move the 21st Century Curriculum, UP – A total of 8 lecturers from the Faculty of Education (FIP) from the Universitas Pahlawan tuanku Tambusai (UP) have committed to move the 21st century curriculum. The lecturers attended a workshop on strengthening the curriculum at Hotel Pangeran, Pekanbaru, Friday ( 01/03) 2019.
Innovations continue to be developed by these educators to be able to carry out dynamic education, always updating learning methods that keep up with the times. These lecturers showed seriousness in strengthening the curriculum, especially for the education system at the Universitas Pahlawan.
For this, a new learning model is needed that emphasizes the application of technology, work ability, entrepreneurship, creativity, skills and value / character values. In accordance with the vision of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), namely “Realization of Quality Higher Education and Science and Technology Ability and Innovation to Support Competitiveness” the need for graduates who are ready to face the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0 in 2020.
In an effort to encourage the adjustment of the learning model in question, it certainly starts with strengthening the curriculum in each study program in accordance with the developed field of science.
The Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) sent 8 lecturers from the Faculty of Education, namely: Rizki Ananda, M.Pd., Zulfah, M.Pd., Citra Ayu, M.Pd., Wida Rianti, M.Pd., Iska Noviardila, M.Pd., Vigi Indah Permatha Sari, M.Pd., Sri Ulfa Insani, M.Pd., and Riski Amelia, M.Pd to attend the Curriculum Development Workshop in Education field held by Region X LLDIKTI which lasted for three days, until by, Sunday (03/03) 2019.
The speakers at this workshop were Prof. Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifina Hasibuan, MLS., Ph.D (Professor of the University of Indonesia) and two presenters from Surya University .ull. The envoy consisting of 8 young lecturers at the Universitas Pahlawan FIP is committed to becoming a driver of 21st Century curriculum development.