The Ming-Chi University of Technology and Universitas Pahlawan Hold International Webinars
Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, UP – International Relations Office (IRO) Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP) collaborates with the UP Engineering Faculty and Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT) to hold an International Website Seminar (Webinar), Saturday (11/07) 2020 then.
Resy Kumala Sari, a Candidate Lecturer at UP who is currently studying at MCUT, was a resource person in the webinar delivering Assessing Span Between Feet of Public Squatting Type Toilet Material Based on Squatting Anthropometry and Stability.
Besides Resy, MCUT also sent a Vietnamese national resource, Tam Nguyen. Meanwhile, from Universitas Pahlawan, there is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Emon Azrialdi, ST., M.Sc. E and the Head of Industrial Engineering Study Program, namely Aris Fiatno, ST., MT.
Dozens of participants including UP Engineering students gave positive responses to the Webinars that were followed. Like Anggara Hadi Syaputra, a UP Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program student who feels that this webinar really helps him to better understand the material being studied in class.
“On this occasion, IRO UP would like to thank the Secretary of the UP Industrial Engineering Study Program, namely Rusrial, ST., MT., For being willing to be a moderator, and to Moh. Fauziddin, M.Pd., who has provided technical support in organizing this webinar, “said the Director of IRO UP, giving further information.