The United States and Indonesian Diaspora Network Starts to Implement Cooperation, UP – Teleconferences and discussions have been held, this is the beginning of the implementation of the first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UP and the Indonesian Diaspora Network United States of America, Thursday (09/26) 2019, in the Leadership Meeting Room UP
The teleconference was attended by UP Rector, Prof. Dr. Amir Luthfi and Deputy Chancellor of Non Academic Affairs, Yusnira, M.Sc., Chair of the Research Institute (LP), Nurmalina, M.Kep., Chair of the Community Service and Development Institute (LP2M), Ns. Apriza, M.Kep., Chair of the Language Center Dr. Masrul, and Chair of Labschool, Dr. Ramdan Witarsa, M.Pd.
Chair of the International Relations Office (IRO), Ns. Nila Kusumawati, M.Kep., Said that this teleconference was intended to discuss ideas or cooperation plans that would be carried out by Universitas Pahlawan and the Indonesian Diaspora Network United States of America. He mentioned that the discussion was aimed at developing study programs, especially new study programs at Universitas Pahlawan.
“We can give recommendations, with the ability of English from students. we can find 80 professors in 40 universities. There is a requirement to win a non-negotiable scholarship, namely Toefl, besides that, to get further education in America, we will try to provide connections and guide, “said Prof.Herry Utomo.
He also gave advice and input to the head of the UP labschool in order to develop a labschool program that was used in America to be made as a pilot for one class in the Pahlawan Elementary School. After the trial in the future, it will give a faster impact to the community, especially parents around to choose the trained labschool from the Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai Foundation.
During the teleconference, the Chairperson of LP2M UP conveyed requests for collaborative research, sharing funding, sharing on improving the quality of research at UP, including plans to hold health education or product income to minimize health problems in Riau Province.