Universitas Pahlawan and the Police Chief Synergize to Form a Conducive Higher Education Atmosphere in Kampar District
Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, UP – Chancellor of Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai (UP), Prof. Dr. Amir Lutfi welcomed the visit of the Kampar Police Chief, AKBP. Asep Darmawan, SH., S.I.K., Monday (30/09) 2019, in the Rector’s Room at UP.
“We from the Universitas Pahlawan appreciate this visit, the Kapolres indicated that he paid more attention to education. “Furthermore, UP will also need personnel from the Police Chief for security development, state defense training, character building, and general studies,” said Prof. Dr. Amir Lutfi.
On the occasion, Prof. Dr. Amir Lutfi also introduced in general about 18 Study Programs that have existed at Universitas Pahlawan. He mentioned that UP also sought the establishment of S1 Economic Economics and Sharia Banking S1 Programs.
AKBP. Asep Darmawan, SH., S.I.K., revealed that this was his first visit since he was appointed. On this occasion, AKBP Asep also welcomed the Universitas Pahlawan students from various faculties, he mentioned his willingness to protect students to create a conducive atmosphere of higher education in Kampar District.
Silaturrahmi meeting was also attended by, Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs UP, Dewi Anggriani Harahap, M.Keb., Non Academic Field Representative namely Ns. Muhammad Nurman, M.Kep., And Iis Aprinawati, M.Pd., Chairperson of Law Study Program, Yuli Heriyanti, M.H., and Chairperson of UP Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), M. Nizar Syarif Hamidi, M.Kes.