Child development is influenced by various factors that influence each other, including stimulation received by children from infancy, the maturity of children when receiving stimulation, innate traits of children, attitudes of parents towards children or babies, and interactions between parents and children. . Zaid Bin Tsabit PAUD / TK is one of the places for early childhood education located in Bangkinang District. Various kinds of educational methods have been applied in Zaid Bin Tsabit PAUD / TK, but stimulation of mental development, in particular, has never been done. Early childhood in Zaid Bin Tsabit PAUD / TK really needs the stimulation of mental development to achieve optimal growth and development.
Therefore, stimulating children’s mental growth and development through therapeutic group therapy is deemed necessary to increase the mental growth and development of children in Zaid Bin Tsabit PAUD / TK. The stimulation of mental growth and development of children through therapeutic group therapy was carried out in 7 sessions. From the results of the activity evaluation, it was found that most teachers were able to stimulate early childhood mental growth and development through therapeutic group therapy activities. Families and teachers should do stimulation continuously and continuously to achieve optimal preschool-age development. From the results of the activity evaluation, it was found that most teachers were able to stimulate early childhood mental growth and development through therapeutic group therapy activities.
Families and teachers should do stimulation continuously and continuously to achieve optimal preschool-age development. From the results of the activity evaluation, it was found that most teachers were able to stimulate early childhood mental growth and development through therapeutic group therapy activities. Families and teachers should do stimulation continuously and continuously to achieve optimal preschool-age development.
Lists of Lecturers:
- DR. Amir Luthfi
- Alini, M. Kep
- Putri Eka Sugiharti, M. Kep
- Nila Kusumawati, S. Kep, MPH
- Erma Kasumayanti, M. Kep
- Nia Aprilla, M. Kep
- Devi Eka Safitri, M. Kep
- Siti Hotna Siagian, M. Kep
- Neneng Fitria Ningsih, M. Biomed
- Indrawati, S. Kep, M. KL
- Gusman Virgo, S. Kep, M. KL
- Emdas yahya, M.KM
- Dessyka Febria, SKM, M. KL
- Marini Ariesta, S. Tr. Keb. M.KM
- Nurcholisah Fitra, SKM, MCIS
- Langen Nidhana Meisyalla, S. Psi, M. Kes
- Nopriyanto, S.Pd, M. Si
- Maharani, S.Pd, M. Si
- Nany Librianty, SE, M. MA
- Syahrial, S. Sos, SH, M. Si, MH