Midwifery DIV Get B Accreditation from LAM-PTKes

Universitaspahlawan.ac.id, UP – To realize Quality in the world of education, the PahlawanTuanku Tambusai University (UP) is committed to continuously improving the quality value with the Creditation process. DIV Midwifery UP gets B Accreditation Value, Tuesday (06/11) 2018.

The total value of 322 obtained by the UP Midwifery DIV Study Program from the Independent Higher Education Accreditation Institution (LAM-PTKes), led this Study Program to obtain an Accreditation score.

The long process starting from the preparation of accreditation forms some time ago to the assessors’ visitations in reviewing and finally achieving B scores is the results awaited by the DIV Midwifery UP study program.

The value obtained is a proof of perseverance in achieving quality. The seven accreditation standards set by LAM-PTKes trigger the Midwifery DIV in completing all requirements to meet each of these standards.