Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) Gives Support to Realize Healthy Indonesia, UP – Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) sent the Chair of the Public Health Study Program (Kesmas), Ade Dita Puteri, MPH. to attend the Annual Work Meeting with the theme of Healthy Indonesia.

The event was attended by all members and non-members of the Association of Indonesian Public Health Higher Education Institutions (AIPTKMI) throughout Indonesia, for two days starting on Monday (10/15) 2018.

“This meeting was held to discuss work programs and current issues of public health development relating to quality assurance of the implementation of public health education in Indonesia.” Said Ade Dita, my cell was representative of UP.

He also said that AIPTKMI announced a Rejection of Cooperation with “Foundation For a Smoke Free World” formed by Philip Morris International (PMI) as a form of AIPTKMI’s commitment to creating a smoke-free Indonesia.

This annual work meeting was held at the Swiss Bel Hotel, Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung with several activities such as a panel session on current health issues, AIPTKMI regional work meeting, Accreditation Clinic. This activity also invited Professional Organizations.

The Association of Indonesian Public Health Education Institutions (AIPTKMI) is an organization of Public Health Sciences, having members spread over 190 institutions and tertiary institutions in the National scope.