Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) Prayers for Palu and Donggala, UP – Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University (UP) students not only distributed donations materially, in this peak activity the students also performed Ghaib Prayer as a form of prayer assistance as a symbol of mental support for Sigi, Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi , on Saturday (10/13) 2018.
“I am proud of UP students, this is what reflects the motto of our university, Quality and entrepreneurship which is oriented towards religious values. On this occasion we will work together more for the donations that we will send, hopefully our brothers and sisters strengthened and can rise again “said Ns. M. Nurman M., Kep as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UP.
“Sharing with each other is the easiest practice, the words of the prophet Muhammad regarding the best practices are sodakoh and infaq, today our one nation is afflicted with grief, so we are needed to give prayers and material” Said Ustadz Masnur during the Occult Prayer at Dormitory Field UP.
On this occasion he also explained that every accident that befell anyone, it is our responsibility to be fellow human beings to help, provide solutions, pray for even reach out to ease the burden.
Alfa Rebi, as the fundraising field coordinator, said that the total funds to be sent to Central Sulawesi amounted to Rp.27,931,000 and 30 million would be attempted before being sent. He said that the point of raising by UP students was divided into two in Bangkinag and Pekanbaru, because remembering that more donations would be collected.
For information, the funds obtained, most of which will be channeled through Lazizmu’s aid distributor, and some will be coordinated with the UP student field coordinator in Pekanbaru. UP hopes that this small assistance can ease the burden of our brothers and sisters in Central Sulawesi.